Privacy Policy

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In id vehicula neque. Cras faucibus hendrerit tellus sit amet sollicitudin. Phasellus vehicula sodales nisi.
Donec iaculis ullamcorper molestie. Fusce consequat varius scelerisque. Nullam semper, odio ac laoreet rutrum, enim leo sodales diam, in tristique est mauris ut felis. Phasellus sed iaculis ex. Nam et laoreet neque. Etiam lobortis vestibulum lacus, eu dignissim nunc. Vestibulum vitae finibus dui. Ut nisi nisi, ornare gravida imperdiet dignissim, consectetur vel ex.

Sed consequat bibendum porttitor. Vestibulum et dolor lorem. Mauris congue nisi nec nibh mattis imperdiet. Sed id neque blandit, facilisis ante quis, imperdiet orci. Donec metus ex, mollis id ornare eget, viverra sed dolor. Aenean cursus eros ac maximus varius. Nam vel facilisis lorem. Sed tristique elementum ultrices.

Maecenas eget lorem orci. Cras in dignissim sem, et scelerisque nisl. Nulla facilisi. Morbi a dui scelerisque, dictum erat nec, consequat lorem. In in magna interdum, pulvinar orci sit amet, tincidunt leo. Praesent eget fringilla eros. Phasellus commodo ac nibh ac tempor. Praesent accumsan rutrum tempor. Suspendisse sed hendrerit lorem. Duis mi erat, accumsan id commodo at, dapibus eu lectus. Praesent efficitur sodales nisi vel malesuada. Nunc posuere nisl at eros bibendum, sit amet sollicitudin mauris porttitor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Privacy Policy

DEA respects the privacy of its clients, agents and associates and protects your personal information. DEA complies with the National Privacy Principles (NPPs) as implemented under the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 (‘Privacy Act’), which came into effect on 21 December 2001. The Privacy Act established a national scheme for the handling of personal information by private sector organisations. The NPPs are the minimum privacy standards.

This Privacy Policy outlines how DEA safeguards the privacy of your personal information in compliance with the privacy laws. The scope of the principles set out in our Privacy Policy extends to any personal information you give to us in person, through the telephone, via our website or pursuant to any other arrangement.

1. Collection of your Personal Information

DEA only collects personal information from you, which is necessary for conducting its business, providing its services to you and meeting its legal obligations. DEA collects personal information about you only by lawful and fair means and not in an unreasonably intrusive way.

DEA takes reasonable steps to ensure that you know why DEA are collecting your personal information, what DEA use it for, to whom DEA disclose it and how you can access it to ensure its accuracy.

Where reasonable and practicable to do so, DEA collects personal information about you directly from you. Generally, DEA may collect personal information about you when you meet with us in person, contact us by telephone, facsimile or e-mail, correspond with us by mail or when you request further information about our services through our website.

Generally, DEA only collects personal information from our website when you provide it to us voluntarily, for example when you complete an electronic form requesting further details about our services.

Occasionally, while acting on your behalf DEA may collect personal information about you from a third party such as organisations with whom you may have dealings, an information service provider or from a publicly maintained record.

2. Use and Disclosure of your Personal Information

DEA endeavours to use and disclose personal information about you only for the primary purpose for which DEA have collected it. The primary purpose of collection may relate to the provision of our services considering your application for employment with us; obtaining services from you; or marketing our services to you.

Sometimes it may be necessary to use or disclose your personal information for a secondary purpose, which is related to the primary purpose of collection, such as providing DEA’s newsletters to you.

DEA does not disclose or sell personal information to third parties, which DEA collects and holds, in order to allow them to directly market their products and services to you.

3. Securing your Personal Information

DEA will take reasonable steps to protect the personal information which DEA holds from misuse and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

To protect your personal information, DEA has implemented physical, computer and network, communications and personnel security measures. Locks and a monitored alarm system secure DEA’s office and data storage facilities. Authorised users who have been issued passwords and specific user identifiers only can gain access to our computer system.

DEA takes reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify your personal information if it is no longer needed. DEA has in place systems for destroying or de-identifying personal information that is no longer required, such as shredding of paper documents that contain such information.

4. Accessing your Personal Information

Subject to the exceptions outlined in the Privacy Act, you may gain access to the personal information that DEA holds about you by contacting our Privacy Officer.

DEA will deal with your request within a reasonable time. DEA may charge you a reasonable fee for retrieving the personal information DEA holds about you and providing you with a copy of it.

In the event that DEA denies you access to your personal information, DEA will provide reasons for its decision to do so.