1 - Grid story 1 - Shayla
1 - Grid story 1 - Shayla

Physical disability no barrier for Shayla

Home » News » Physical disability no barrier for Shayla

Getting a job is a challenging process for many people, but there can be extra layers of complication for someone who has a physical disability.

Just ask 23 year-old Parkes woman Shayla Lennox, who was born without her left hand and has had to work harder than most to master new skills and find a job she loves.

But thanks to support from not-for-profit employment, training and apprenticeships provider VERTO, Ms Lennox is on track to establishing a rewarding career in aged care, as well as taking the crucial steps to obtain her driver’s license.

“I originally wanted to get into childcare but found working with active babies and toddlers was a little too taxing with my disability, and my arm would end up being sore at the end of each day,” Ms Lennox said.

“Working with my mentor at VERTO, we quickly identified that an aged care role might be better suited to my circumstances.

“I’m now working for Niola Aged Care Home in Parkes on a casual basis and I’m really enjoying it. There is something very rewarding about working with elderly people who are at a really vulnerable time in their lives.”


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