Disability Employment Australia. Represent, Support, Resource

People With Disability

The Disability Employment Services sector exists to assist you to find and maintain work.

Disability Employment Australia members bring together employers and employees, but they are much more than an introduction agency.

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There are hundreds of Disability Employment Service (DES) providers across the country ready, willing and able to assist you.

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Looking for work?

The Disability Employment Services sector exists to help you. Disability Employment Australia is the peak body representing the sector.

Our members are located across the country and specialise in finding people with disability employment in the real world, for real wages alongside people who do not have disability.

Disability Employment Australia members bring together employers and employees but they are much more than an introduction agency.

They find employers, create and shape jobs and prepare workers and the workplace culturally as well as physically if need be.
Disability Employment Australia members also maintain a long-term relationship with both employees and employers to help meet any challenges that might arise down the track.

Work can be part-time or full-time and is suited to your skills and abilities - just as it should be.

Disability Employment Australia members don't charge for their services but they do get results - just ask one of the 140,000 people with disability that Disability Employment Services have supported in the past 12 months.

Click here to see how Disability Employment Australia members can help you.

Find your nearest Disability Employment Australia member here.

Download: Information flyer for people with disability about Disability Employment Services (PDF)

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